Latest publications / Tom Dunn

Fit for purpose: Teachers’ own learning experiences and lessons about standardisation from the health sector - NZIER Insight 112

In this Insight, we analyse anonymised NCEA data linked to later employment for the recent cohort of primary teachers to better understand what might be driving secondary students’ falling performance in maths and science. Our results show that one in four new primary teachers failed … Read more

Housing availability and affordability - NZIER Insight 111

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Building a healthy future: The potential scale of investment in Crown-owned health infrastructure over the next thirty years

New Zealand Infrastructure Commission, Te Waihanga commissioned NZIER to model hospital building costs over the next thirty years. Read more

Diversity in economics in Aotearoa New Zealand - NZIER Insight 110

The significance of diversity in economics cannot be overstated. Diversity in sex, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background and various dimensions enhances problem-solving and decision-making by introducing diverse perspectives, experiences and skills. This is important considerin … Read more

Unmasking COVID-19’s economic impact: A data-driven analysis of the COVID-19 lockdowns - NZIER working paper 2023-01

COVID-19 has been one of the most significant disruptions to the global economy since the Global Financial Crisis and has changed how we operate. Some trends have returned to normal, but others have permanently changed. Read more

Community pharmaceuticals : Expenditure trends

NZIER report to Medicines New Zealand. Read more

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