The social and economic costs of stroke in New Zealand : 2020 update
July 29, 2020
Stroke continues to be a significant contributor to the burden of disease, particularly for Māori and Pacific people. The economic and social costs of stroke can be reduced with cost-effective interventions, but access continues to be a challenge. Read more
Land-based industries see New Zealand through tough COVID times - NZIER Insight 90
July 21, 2020
Covid-19 has changed the trade game that New Zealand plays. With the structure of the New Zealand economy based on our exports the stakes are high. Now that New Zealand has shifted through the lockdown levels and arrived at Alert Level 1, it is a good time to ask why our land-based ex … Read more
Migration after COVID-19 - NZIER Insight 89
July 7, 2020
New Zealand has put up a 'no entry' sign. As well as stopping international tourism; we have turned off historically high rates of inward economic migration, forgoing what has been at best a small positive impact on GDP per capita. New Zealand closed the border in response to Covid-19 … Read more
Economic impact of research and development in the wine sector
July 1, 2020
Bragato Research Institute (BRI) commissioned NZIER to estimate the impact of research and development (R&D) in the wine sector, and the impact of BRI activities on the Marlborough region, the national winegrowing industry and the wider economy. Read more