Latest publications / Labour market

The place where talent does not want to live

The intersection of New Zealand immigration and tax policies in a globalising world. Read more

Zooming into better work-life balance? Gender and equity insights from New Zealanders’ experiences with working from home

We assess the potential implications of the increasing trend towards working from home on wellbeing and career progression, particularly regarding the impact on women. Read more

Pacific uptake of temporary work visas

NZIER report to MFAT & MBIE. Read more

The tale of Goldilocks and the three fears (about the minimum wage) - Insight 96

The minimum wage is a ‘Goldilocks’ policy: not too high, not too low. A political consensus on the role and appropriate level of the minimum wage is both possible and desirable. Read more

Gains for everyone: Towards an inclusive growth agenda for Aotearoa New Zealand

A joint project with The Helen Clark Foundation. A newly released report from the Helen Clark Foundation and the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research calls for a minimum wage boost to improve inclusion and incentivise investment in capital and skills, leading to greater producti … Read more

Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Okun's Law and labour market reform - NZIER Insight 80

With teachers striking, and New Zealand's first "Wellbeing Budget" about to be released, Robbing Peter to pay Paul: Okun's Law and labour market reform is a poignant reminder that competitive markets are the "welfare engines" of the economy. Okun's law illustrates how New Zealand's ec … Read more

Ashburton Labour Force Plan : Assessing Ashburton's labour force and addressing its labour shortages

NZIER was asked by the Ashburton District Council to assess the Ashburton labour force, and to develop a Labour Force Plan that addresses labour shortages. Read more

Valuing access to work

A report commissioned by the Blind Foundation for the Access Alliance. The Blind Foundation commissioned NZIER to analyse the economic impact of improved access for people with disabilities (PWD). Two scenarios were considered: - Scenario 1 models the impact of increasing employment a … Read more

Construction productivity : an evidence base for research and policy issues

A report for the Building and Construction Sector Productivity Partnership. Read more

Demographic change a force that firms ignore at their peril - NZIER Insight 37

New Zealand's population is ageing – confronting firms to respond to the opportunities an ageing population brings. The most successful firms will need to have a clear understanding of the impacts of demographic change on not just consumer demand, but also the supply side of business. … Read more

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