About us
Our core values of independence and promoting better outcomes for all New Zealanders are the driving force behind why we exist and how we work today.
Clients value the work we produce for them. NZIER's advice is highly regarded as authoritative and independent by decision-makers in both the private and public sectors. Find out more about what we do.
We provide membership services that include access to regular forecasts, commentary and expert advice.
Our Public Good programme seeks to educate and encourage debate on economic issues affecting New Zealand.
We regularly review the advice of around 20 central government organisations, as well as local government bodies. Our reviews act as the catalyst for ongoing quality improvements that have been positively received by Ministers, Boards and senior decision-makers.
We provide strategic support to social investment funders to design and manage for impact. We provide analytical support to social service providers who want to maximise their value for investors and impact on New Zealanders.
Our headquarters are in Wellington and we have an office in Auckland, but our team of expert economists work with clients from all over New Zealand and around the world.
NZIER was established in 1958 to undertake independent economic analysis and encourage debate on economic issues affecting New Zealand society. It is governed by our Board.
To find out more about NZIER you can read our Constitution and annual reports.