With ongoing changes in the $20 billion health and disability sector, we assist our public, private and NGO clients in navigating the system and providing the analysis and insights needed for a modern, fit-for-purpose health system. We bring an understanding of the factor markets that produce the health outcomes New Zealanders expect. We have skills and expertise in: public policy analysis and advice, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness studies, epidemiological and economic forecasting and modelling and peer review, evaluation and monitoring.
Latest publications
Five priorities to put the health system back on track - NZIER Insight 115

Five priorities to put the health system back on track - NZIER Insight 115
October 10, 2024
min read
Building a healthy future: The potential scale of investment in Crown-owned health infrastructure over the next thirty years

Building a healthy future: The potential scale of investment in Crown-owned health infrastructure over the next thirty years
February 15, 2024
min read
Hidden costs: The employment and income impacts of later prostate cancer diagnosis in New Zealand men

Hidden costs: The employment and income impacts of later prostate cancer diagnosis in New Zealand men
July 21, 2023
min read
Our experts
Areas we work in


Primary industries

Sport and recreation

Infrastructure and transport

Local government
Arts, heritage and media

