

With ongoing changes in the $20 billion health and disability sector, we assist our public, private and NGO clients in navigating the system and providing the analysis and insights needed for a modern, fit-for-purpose health system. We bring an understanding of the factor markets that produce the health outcomes New Zealanders expect. We have skills and expertise in: public policy analysis and advice, cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness studies, epidemiological and economic forecasting and modelling and peer review, evaluation and monitoring.

Latest publications

Building a healthy future: The potential scale of investment in Crown-owned health infrastructure over the next thirty years

Building a healthy future: The potential scale of investment in Crown-owned health infrastructure over the next thirty years

February 15, 2024 1 min read
Hidden costs: The employment and income impacts of later prostate cancer diagnosis in New Zealand men

Hidden costs: The employment and income impacts of later prostate cancer diagnosis in New Zealand men

July 21, 2023 1 min read
Economic effects of hearing loss: 2023 update

Economic effects of hearing loss: 2023 update

April 19, 2023 1 min read

Areas we work in