Latest publications / Client report (2)

KiwiSaver equity for women: Building long-term financial wellbeing

This report coincided with the 15-year review of KiwiSaver by the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment. The intent of the report was to assist policy makers by deliberately exploring and providing opportunities to get more equitable settings in place. Read more

How do Kiwis want buildings to perform during and after an earthquake?

A policy brief for NZSEE Project on Resilient Buildings. Read more

Zooming into better work-life balance? Gender and equity insights from New Zealanders’ experiences with working from home

We assess the potential implications of the increasing trend towards working from home on wellbeing and career progression, particularly regarding the impact on women. Read more

Digital trade is the way forward for New Zealand

The introduction of digital trade initiatives as developed by providers such as TradeWindow will have major benefits for New Zealand supply chains. “The NZIER show that the benefits are between $9 and $18 billion over 10 years for those involved in New Zealand export supply chains if … Read more

Pacific uptake of temporary work visas

NZIER report to MFAT & MBIE. Read more

Southern Link: The potential to develop a global value chain

The Southern link is a trade route that links Asia and South America via New Zealand – it turns what is seemingly a distance challenge for New Zealand into a competitive opportunity. Read more

Transforming lives and saving money

A report to Kidney Health NZ. Read more

Eye in the sky: Value of SeaGuardian for fisheries management

A report for Hawke Eye Ltd. Read more

Hidden in plain sight: Optimising the allied health professions for better, more sustainable integrated care

Allied Health Aotearoa New Zealand (AHANZ) commissioned NZIER to examine the evidence and identify the critical changes that are key to designing a system with fully integrated allied health services aligned with the objectives of the health and disability system reforms. Read more

A critical missing ingredient: The case for increased dietetic input in tier 1 health services

Dietitians New Zealand commissioned NZIER to analyse the available data to estimate the supply of and need for dietetic input in publicly-funded health services for people with cancer, diabetes and mental illness, and to identify, in light of any identified unmet need, what the optima … Read more

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