Latest publications / Zhongchen Song

Woolworths Group New Zealand: Economic contribution of its operations to New Zealand

A report for Woolworths NZ. Read more

Diversity in economics in Aotearoa New Zealand - NZIER Insight 110

The significance of diversity in economics cannot be overstated. Diversity in sex, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic background and various dimensions enhances problem-solving and decision-making by introducing diverse perspectives, experiences and skills. This is important considerin … Read more

Hidden costs: The employment and income impacts of later prostate cancer diagnosis in New Zealand men

Using the IDI and propensity score matching methods, NZIER researched the extent to which early detection can reduce the negative employment and income impacts of prostate cancer for New Zealand men. Read more

Workforce forecasts for 2032 : Based on three future scenarios

Two reports for the Minstry for Primary Industries. Read more

Unmasking COVID-19’s economic impact: A data-driven analysis of the COVID-19 lockdowns - NZIER working paper 2023-01

COVID-19 has been one of the most significant disruptions to the global economy since the Global Financial Crisis and has changed how we operate. Some trends have returned to normal, but others have permanently changed. Read more

Overcoming preconceptions: How big data can gain a social licence in New Zealand - NZIER Insight 105

NZIER Insight 105 is a companion to NZIER Insight 103, in which we examined how the Integrated Data Infrastructure (IDI), administered by Stats NZ, is used in New Zealand for research and how this is helping us to make better policy decisions. In Insight 105, we examine how the IDI ca … Read more

How big data can be a force for good - NZIER Insight 103

Over the last decade, Stats NZ has developed a powerful tool for policymakers and researchers alike. Known as the Integrated Data Infrastructure or IDI, it draws upon data from across the government and contains de-identified information for people living in New Zealand. Read more

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