Latest publications / Migration

Inflation and migration: Theory, evidence and implications for the Monetary Policy Committee

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand engaged NZIER to undertake a targeted literature review on the relationship between inflation and migration and the implications for monetary policy. Read more

The new pathway to Australian citizenship

In this special feature, we explore the potential impact of the new pathway to gaining Australian citizenship on the New Zealand economy. Read more

Manaakitanga in the age of COVID

Thousands of short-term migrants are trapped in New Zealand due to COVID-19. A series of ad hoc extensions to their visas have allowed them to stay. The Government should apply principles of manaakitanga – hospitality, kindness, generosity, support – and issue these people with a one- … Read more

Picking cherries: Evidence on the effects of temporary and seasonal migrants on the New Zealand economy

A report for the New Zealand Productivity Commission. Read more

Could do better : Migration and New Zealand's frontier firms

A report for the New Zealand Productivity Commission. Read more

Migration after COVID-19 - NZIER Insight 89

New Zealand has put up a 'no entry' sign. As well as stopping international tourism; we have turned off historically high rates of inward economic migration, forgoing what has been at best a small positive impact on GDP per capita. New Zealand closed the border in response to Covid-19 … Read more

There has to be a better way

If you ask a typical economist if migration is good for a country, they are likely to say yes. Read more

Migrants increase our incomes - NZIER Insight 44

A new Insight from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) shows that increasing net migration would lift incomes not just for immigrants but for the native population. An additional 40,000 people a year for 10 years increases GDP per capita by a chunky $410 a year. "A … Read more

Flight of the Kiwi : Kiwis fly to Australia in search of a better nest - NZIER Insight 20

The continuous flow of Kiwis to Australia is closely linked to Australia’s economic performance. The big difference in income between Australia and New Zealand is likely to be a major factor. Life style factors and incomes in New Zealand are still appealing enough to attract a healthy … Read more

Looking at the numbers

RM no. 69 by Phil Briggs, 2003 [print only] $20.00 plus gst. Updated August 2007 by Peter Bailey Updated June 2016 by NZIER Read more

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