Scholarship in Māori Economics
As part of our Public Good Programme, NZIER has partnered with the Victoria University of Wellington and established a scholarship for undergraduate economics or public policy students interested in and connected to the Māori economy.
This is a two-year scholarship with an annual payment of $7,500 per annum. It is intended to support building a pipeline of economics or public policy graduates who can apply their skills to the Māori economy.
Scholarship recipients
- 2023/2024 Metiria-Hinekorangi Doyle
Other Public Good content

Public Good
NZIER undertakes economic research and thinking in the public interest aimed at promoting a better understanding of New Zealand’s important economic challenges.
Economics explained
On this page, we introduce some key features of our economy and the economic roles we play as people, communities, businesses and governments.

Moniac machine
Read about this magnificent piece of Kiwi ingenuity created by Professor Bill Phillips (of the Phillips Curve fame), known as the Moniac machine.