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The economics of TPP

Written by The NZIER Team | April 6, 2016

A presentation to Sustainability Week.

Deputy Chief Executive John Ballingall participated in an Auckland University-hosted panel discussion on 5 April 2016 on the economics of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). The other panellists were Rod Oram (journalist), Professor Tim Hazledine (Auckland University) and Kim Campbell (Employers and Manufacturers Association). The discussion was spirited and wide-ranging, with good engagement from the audience. John’s key messages are in the slides and his main points were:

  1. We didn’t get all we wanted from TPP
  2. But it’s still a very good deal overall; and what's the credible alternative?
  3. Not being part of it is “unthinkable”
  4. No credible piece of modelling has shown that TPP would make NZ worse off; most studies show we would benefit significantly
  5. There will be costs, but they will be small compared to the benefits, and compared to the cost of being ‘outside the tent’.